Friday, December 20, 2013

Blogging from my phone

That's right I am blogging from my phone directly from the blogger iPhone app! Also, pretty happy to have a Simpsons character of myself ;).

My thought for the day is that in order for something to be truly perfect, the details that no one sees must be perfect as well. That is something I've always enjoyed about new Volkswagen automobiles like the GTI, as well as Mercedes. Though they are great looking on the outside, the details of the interior engine no one sees is crafted perfectly! I've learned this with my magic as well. I can have the most expensive props or a brand new illusion, but if for some reason I have a table that is dirty, or an old prop it takes away from the rest of the stage. The same goes for organization backstage; the parts you don't see - organizing my props, writing scripts etc. need to be perfect as well as the show you see.

I like quality :),
